Minggu, 21 April 2019

IZIChain: Blockchain Cryptocurrency Investing Platform

IZIChain is a worldwide Public hybrid blockchain platform that objectives at revolutionizing how financial markets operate via digitizing financial assets and real markets. IZIChain will offer its users with capital connections and customized answers for monetary markets with social and actual-international programs.

Similarly, the platform will permit customers to have interaction with smart contracts, complete the smart contracts thru Artificial Intelligence and Big Data generation, or maybe function blockchain-based totally monetary packages. Users of IZIChain can also utilize the platform to create and provide financial packages on the IZIChain blockchain platform.

IZIChain’s expected economic market includes primary components:

Financial asset marketplace: fairness securities, fixed-earnings securities, fund stocks and price gadgets.

Tangible and intangible asset market: commodity, real property, equipment and machinery with different tangible assets which include commercial enterprise idea, generation license, emblem.

Purposes of IZIchain
Asset digitization: IZIchain platform lets in customers perform the asset digitization through the automated system without the aid of 0.33 birthday celebration.

Digital asset trade: As the end result of asset digitization, the digital asset alternate is shaped in this virtual asset marketplace. That will extend the marketplace of digital property in addition to facilitate the flow of digital assets in markets.

Lending market: IZIchain leverages the blockchain and smart contract to construct the peer-to-peer lending market inside the IZIchain platform. Users can perform their lending agreements thru smart agreement. This method is at ease and obvious and no need of the 1/3 birthday party.

Within the financial marketplace IZIChain will offer an possibility for individuals and legal entities to perform the subsequent moves:

invest unfastened cash in binary options or loans;
receive loans for any cause without or with collateral;
seek investment by using entering into business agreements by digitizing real belongings or actual estate into tokens;
exchange digital belongings;
At the web page IZIChain will be P2P lending, supplying users the subsequent benefits:

elevated mortgage approval system;
a decrease percentage at the loan;
a better percentage of profits for the lender.
Special interest have to be paid to the digitization of assets. This manner involves the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the asset and its transformation into a digital foreign money for subsequent use for buying and selling, switch, use as collateral for a mortgage, in addition to for the purchase of bonds. Cars, homes and other objects of movable and immovable assets may be digitized.

IZIChain Advantages
The HLC carried out in IZIChain gives a wide variety of advantages. They consist of:
User-Friendly Interface
IZIChain’s interface does no longer have any unnecessary elements as compared to what is seen in different applications and is designed in a way that is simple to study and apprehend by means of the customers regardless of their level of know-how.

Fast Transactions
The platform integrates AI that speeds up actions and simplifies functionality as well as permits transactions to take location in seconds, which offers customers with a pleasing revel in. In addition to the AI, blockchain technology additionally provides the platform with instant transaction speeds without any delays or interruptions.

No Transaction Fees
IZIChain does no longer charge any transaction fees for withdrawals or deposits at the platform.

IZIChain does not belong to any centralized enterprise or authority and works on a free alternate marketplace where expenses are in keeping with the agreements among traders. This manner customers are loose to personal or change their assets or set the exchange prices.

The platform guarantees maximum safety by way of the usage of the fingerprint powered account creation and verification approach, which reduce the login time and increase the security stages.

IZIChain IZI Token ICO Details
Token: IZI
Token protocol: ERC20
Token supply:
ICO sale date: Nov. 01, 2018 – Jan. 29, 2019
Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC
Soft Cap: 4.000 ETH
Hard Cap: 24.000 ETH
Complete whitepaper
Develop website https://izichain.network/
Develop website-based demo app
IBO (Initial Blockchain Offering) Private Sale in Viet Nam
Open offices in foreign countries
Develop International community
International ICO
Listing Token on exchanges
Launch DAX.VN, the Digital Asset Exchange, in Viet Nam
Launch IZILENDING.VN, the P2P Lending solution
Launch Website & Mobile App versions
Launch Website & Mobile App versions
Q1/2020: Establish Project R&D Center in Korea and Japan
Q2/2020: Analyze the 3-project structure for IZIChain adoption
Q3/2020: Complete IZIchain’ Public Blockchain
Q4/2020: Pilot projects at Southeast Asia countries

Hakim Nguyen
Founder & CEO
Herry Vu
Tony Tran
Website Development
Ryker Tran
Blockchain Engineer
Former members
Do Cao Bao
Technology Advisor
Nguyen Doan Hung
Strategic Advisor
Phan Dung Khanh
Investment Advisor
Nguyen Manh Hung

For useful information click below links:
ETH: 0x154089Cb313479C0d698Fad2D29eFb9a71d67b06

Sabtu, 20 April 2019


Hello to all my subscribers, we continue to survey an interesting blockchain project - IZICHAIN. This project is a universal trading platform, where you can buy and sell anything:
Various exchange assets - futures, dividend securities, 
cryptocurrency, fiat currency, and so on
Real estate, business, vehicles
Ordinary consumer goods
Services (including advertising)
Intangible assets - ideas, creative works, rights and 
licenses, patents for inventions, brands and much more
In other words, everything. And the most important thing is that the IZICHAIN ​​platform works on the principle of P2P - all products, services and valuable assets there are not sold by the company itself, but are directly negotiated between the project participants. Therefore, the higher the popularity of this site, the more diverse the offer will be.
In addition, there will be a digital banking system that will allow lending, microloans, safekeeping of assets and interest deposits on the IZICHAIN ​​platform. There will be mechanisms for crowdfunding and conducting on the basis of IZICHAIN ​​pre-sale tokens (ICO) for other crypto currency projects. Also, for communication between the participants of all transactions, the IZICHAIN ​​platform will implement its own P2P chat, in which there will be both the opportunity to conduct personal correspondence and organize group conferences. 
The creators of IZICHAIN ​​hope that their platform will allow people to implement absolutely all tasks in the field of trade, financing and exchange on one platform, and not to use for this many different separate services, each of which would have to be registered separately.
The principle of P2P (peer to peer - from client to client) also facilitates the legal regulation of this platform - IZICHAIN ​​acts only as an intermediary for establishing links between the counterparties of the transaction - the buyer and seller. Therefore, it will be less pressure from regulators, such as the SEC, badly ruffled nerves crypto exchanges, ICO and investors, as well as many other bodies of state and private control.

But working on the principles of mediation alone is not enough to make sure that the IZICHAIN ​​trading platform is not suddenly closed. In order to give their customers the opportunity to trade and conduct business on the platform without fear, the creators of IZICHAIN ​​complied with all the regulations and legitimized their activities at the moment in Vietnam (in which the developers and founders of this project are based), as well as in China, the USA and Japan - the most advanced countries, of which news about account blocking, closing exchanges, and arrests for financial fraud most often arrive.
But enough about the bureaucracy, consider the technical question. IZICHAIN ​​is based on the blockchain technology. But, as the creators of the platform are convinced, the blockchain alone is not enough for quality work of such a huge international platform with millions of transactions.
Additionally, special tools for processing large amounts of data (the so-called Big data technology) have been introduced into the structure of the IZICHAIN ​​project; smart contracts based on Ethereum; AI - artificial intelligence, which, together with smart contracts, will help automate most of the processes on the platform and eliminate the human factor; DAG - directed acyclic graphs - a more advanced analogue blockchain, with greater scalability; and some other technologies, which will be problematic to explain briefly as part of this general review.
This mix of different tools allows you to combine tremendous speed, almost unlimited scalability, high security and ease of maintenance and interaction.
Like any other blockchain project, IZICHAIN ​​has its own token, built according to the ERC 20 standard and at the moment it can be purchased during ICO IZICHAIN ​​on their official website.

Link to the website - https://www.izichain.network/
Group in Telegram - https://t.me/izichainnetwork
Official Twitter - https://twitter.com/chain_izi

author   : Asarab
ETH addres : 0x154089Cb313479C0d698Fad2D29eFb9a71d67b06


Привет всем крипто энтузиастам! Мы с вами продолжаем искать интересные и многообещающие проекты. Сегодня я предлагаю познакомиться с проектом"IZICHAIN"

О проекте:

IZIChain-это открытая Платформа BL Blockchainchain hyperlink, которая предлагает индивидуальные решения BL blockchainchain для финансового рынка с социальными и практическими приложениями. IZIChain позволяет пользователям взаимодействовать с смарт-контрактами, участвовать в интеллектуальных контрактах через AI и Big Data, а также управлять приложениями финансовой поддержки BL blockchainchain, такими как оцифровка активов, цифровые активы и транзакции и кредитные операции. IZIChain предлагает независимые финансовые решения на основе блокчейна. Применение IZIChain: IZIChain полностью меняет способ работы финансовых рынков с финансовым активом IZIChain и цифровым активом на основе активов.

Особенности IZICHAIN:

цифровая АТС
Намерение для пользователей торговать необходимость взаимной торговли цифровым активом, что позволяет одноранговой сделке быть быстрой и некоммерческой.
Реальный Обмен
Он предназначен для пользователей, нуждающихся во взаимной торговле регуляторным активом, регуляторным активом и цифровым активом, покупках, рекламе ...
Цифровой Банкинг
Намерены пользователи с необходимостью депонировать или финансировать, исходя из структуры peer-peer-кредитора.
Платформа ICO
Он предназначен для пользователей, чтобы создать необходимость создать код уведомления для таких целей, как членский билет,...
Включите переписку пользователь-пользователь, решая такие вопросы, как согласование цен, обсуждение или сотрудничество.

Метод работы:

IZIChain-это технологическая Платформа, предназначенная для финансовых инвестиций: капитала, оцифровки активов и обмена цифровых денег.

Изичаин обрабатывает информационную экосистему через собственный порт ЗСК, анализирует и собирает данные из больших данных для достижения наилучших результатов, сгруппированных в блоки, которые невозможно изменить.

Большие данные обрабатываются и приводят к блокировке для хранения в распределенных системах. Устройство будет продолжать обновлять алгоритмы ИИ и обработку данных, предоставлять ссылки и результаты предупреждений на разных уровнях.

Взаимодействие с многослойным IZIchain будет полностью безопасным для системы и пользовательских данных, защиты данных и оптимизации скорости работы IZIChain.

Цель проекта:

Использование алгоритма PDS, чтобы помочь майнерам взять на себя больше ответственности и получить результаты быстрее. Количество токенов IZI составляет 1 млн штук и остается неизменным, даже если мы допустим майнинг, но это соответствует токену IZI, который будет сжигаться из резервного фонда.

Для физических лиц минимальный объем инвестиций составляет 1,5 млн. Для организаций минимальный объем инвестиций составляет 20 миллионов, а максимальный-не ограничен.

Информация о токене:

Токен: IZIChain
Символ: IZI
Основа: ERC20
Decimal 4
Общая поставка: 1,250,000,000
Softcap 4000 ETH
Hardcap 24.000 ETH
Контактный Адрес: 0xc58C8fD6dB67B8f573E6d99e18859949a7a8b5ef

Стоимость Тура ($)

Частная Продажа Сен. 01, 2018-Sep. 20, 2018 0.04

ICO раунд 1 ноя. 01, 2018-Nov. 15, 2018 0.05

ICO Round 2 Nov. 16, 2018-Nov. 30, 2018 0.06

ICO Round 3 Dec. 01, 2018-Dec. 15, 2018 0.07

ICO Round 4 Dec. 16, 2018-Dec. 30, 2018 0.08

ICO Round 5 Dec. 31, 2019-Jan. 14, 2019 0.09

ICO Round 6 Jan. 15, 2019-Jan. 29, 2019 0.1

Дорожная карта



За дополнительной информацией:
Creat BY
Nama penulis : Asarab

Eth ; 0x154089Cb313479C0d698Fad2D29eFb9a71d67b06