Tachain is a completely new blockchain based ecosystem
Providing comprehensive ad targeting system for advertisers while maintaining full security and effectiveness of a full scale transportation app.
With our functionalities in play, we are in a position to steer toward our mission of providing a valid and secure blockchain based service full of fun and joy to our users
Je dis bonne journée à tous mes amis sur cette plate-forme. Je vous apporte la joie de l’écurie TACHAIN COMPANY, un projet rentable.Lisez en même temps que je dévoile les goodies là-dedans.
À propos de Tachain
Tachain a été créé par une équipe professionnelle d’ingénieurs logiciels et
les développeurs d’affaires en 2017.
Tachain est la synergie de trois éléments: application de voyage et de transport
“Tachain Transportal”, plateforme publicitaire “Tachain AdNet” et jeton
marché d’échange “Tachain TMARQ”.
TACHAIN est un écosystème moderne qui unit les industries du transport, de la publicité, du commerce et du divertissement.
Les transports ont toujours été en demande et ont toujours apporté des bénéfices. Les activités de transport peuvent être attribuées à l’un des plus anciens au monde. Les époques ont changé, les besoins de la population aussi, et le besoin de services de transport, comme dans la nourriture, a toujours été. Aucune industrie ne peut gérer sans transport.
Tachain AdNet
Tachain is planning to create AdNet so that application users would be able to watch advertisements while driving in a taxi, public or any other transport and earn TCHN tokens for this. Advertisers will need TCHN tokens to get access to the platform and run their ads. Advertisers will pay app users TCHN tokens for watching targeted ads. They are creating the platform for advertisers and advertising agencies. Every element of the platform will get benefits based on market conditions of supply and demand. Users of Tachain application — taxi or public transport passengers — will also get benefits. AdNet is revolutionary platform, which will allow passengers to watch advertisements, participate in branding marketing events, lotteries, games right during their ride and earn TCHN tokens for doing that.
Different types of advertising options will be added together with the growth of Tachain business, preparation of technical and legal base for operations with each advertising source. Their advertising platforms will be available for: taxi service applications, screens in taxis, advertising stands in public and road transport, public rail transport, external advertising stands, Tachain Flame device, some specific Internet portals that are compliant with Their technical and business requirements.
Tachain Transportal
Now Tachain application is a taxi booking app for the consumer and companies. It is a full-service taxi booking application for the taxi branch. They organize the backend, trainings, customer service, marketing, screens in the taxis and updates in the application. The only thing that the taxi operator needs to do is to deliver a clean and convenient car with a friendly driver. The application will have smart rating system for taxi drivers and users. All the rating information and statistics will be stored in blockchain and will be available to everybody using the network. Further the application will grow into Transportal through which users will be able to plan all their activities related to logistics. In general, application will become the one solution for time management and logistics planning.
Tachain TMARQ

Main Targets
Targets with respect to AdNet:
Deliver flexible API for publishers of Their platform.
Provide advertisers with flexible and resourceful advertising platform.
Targets with respect to Transportal:
Deliver user friendly safe and transparent solution for drivers and passengers.
Provide additional revenue stream for all transportation chain participants.
Targets with respect to TMARQ:
To create user-friendly token market platform, where all the market players can exchange or purchase TCHN tokens.
The architecture of Tachain project is heavily based on blockchain and smart contracts. It allows to ensure transparency of system and strict execution of financial obligations and contract terms. Also they are going to build comprehensive IT infrastructure around blockchain to provide best possible service to their customers.

The key customers for Their project are passengers, transportation agents and advertisers. Passengers and transportation service providers will work without system by using mobile applications on their smartphones. For example, the taxi driver application will be integrated with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto technologies, so it will be possible to work with application directly from car’s built-in display. The advertisers will manage their ads campaigns via web site.
The mobile applications will work simultaneously with public blockchain and Application Programming Interface (API) on Their servers. Applications will use blockchain to interact with smart contracts. API will be used by mobile applications to perform more sophisticated operations. For instance, passengers will search for available taxis considering their geographical location and their preferences about reputation of taxi driver and price of taxi service. Real-time geographical location of passenger and taxi driver will be automatically detected by mobile application using GPS module located in their smartphones.
The project will store all information in the public blockchain and They have very specific requirements for blockchain which They will use. The blockchain should support smart contracts, the transaction execution should be fast enough, and transaction fee should be low. They consider that EOS blockchain is the best choice for Their project, but They plan to perform testing of Their scenarios with other blockchains as well before coming to final decision.
The business logics and rules how Their customers will interact with each other in Tachain network will be formulated in form of smart contracts. All Their smart contracts will be carefully developed and tested.

Tachain will be transparent and open system, therefore it will be possible to integrate the IT systems of other businesses, such as transportation service companies or advertising companies. Their team plans to provide all required software applications for Their customers to work with Tachain, but independent software vendors will be able to develop their own alternative and complementary applications that will be able to work with Tachain network.
TCHN token contract — contains basic rules for TCHN token, it will contain current balances for all holders of TCHN token. This contract will be fully compliant with ERC-20 standard.
Taxi trip contract — specifies all rules and financial obligations between passenger and taxi driver during the trip. The contract will allow taxi driver and passenger to start and finish the trip, to track trip progress and in the end of the trip the contract will transfer TCHN tokens from passenger account to taxi driver account.
Feedback smart contract — allows passenger and taxi drivers to rate each other and enter text comment. The contract transactions will contain rating history and final rating of each participant. Smart contract will ensure that only taxi driver and passenger can leave feedback and no third party can change or bias it. Their reputation service will periodically retrieve feedback information from blockchain and store it in search index, so potential passengers will see actual rating of taxi drivers while they search for taxi.
Advertisement smart contract — stores information about budget of advertising campaigns that is set by advertiser. It will track and store all views of advertisement by passengers and perform transfer of TCHN tokens from account of advertiser to passenger and taxi driver accounts.
Payments Processing
Tachain network will perform all financial accounting and funds transfers between participants in form of TCHN tokens. Smart contracts will strictly define use cases when TCHN tokens are transferred from one account to another account. All such transfers are tied to customer operation within
Tachain network — it could be the completion of a taxi trip or end of advertisement view session. The customers will be able to convert TCHN tokens to fiat currencies on public cryptocurrency exchanges or internally on TMARQ. This is expected scenario for advertiser to cash in, and for transportation agent to cash out. Passengers can also use cryptocurrency exchanges or TMARQ to put their money into the system. But passengers will also have possibility to pay by using credit card. Such possibility will lower entry barrier for passengers and will accelerate adoption of technology by those people who is not familiar with cryptocurrencies. Mobile application also will provide possibility to automatically create blockchain wallet for TCHN tokens and will store private and public keys for Their customers.
The key factor of success for Tachain Transportal will be the use of rating system for users and transportation agents that will be based on blockchain. They need to be focused on creating rides for the operator and training the drivers. The following steps need to be made in Their strategy:
Signing-up transportation agents in the city They are going to enter;
Meet the requests (in the backend) of the operators;
Setting up the organization (customer service and data input);
Setting up invoice system/bookkeeping;
Training the operators and drivers (backend and use of driver app);
Install the screens in the cars;
Start the marketing;
Follow up training for the drivers.
TCHN Token and ICO
ICO also gives possibility for people from all over the world to invest their digital assets into projects and teams situated in other countries. In traditional economies there are many restrictions and limitations for individuals to participate in such activities and there are no possibilities for people to contribute relatively low amount of funds into projects with promising benefits. Taking all this into account, Tachain founders have decided to conduct an ICO, create well-circulating utility token along with advertising platform where the token will be mainly used.
an ICO is the best way to attract financing for interesting projects, especially for those that are community driven. We believe that cryptocurrency crowdfunding procedures can boost innovation, as attracting financing via ICO companies do not have to pass traditional bureaucratic procedures. Moreover, as ICO is conducted via smart contracts and blockchain, everything is transparent and project founders get full responsibility for successful realization of the idea.
TCHN Utility Token
TCHN token is Ethereum-based ERC-20 token. The number of TCHN tokens will be determined after the end of ICO based on the number of TCHN tokens sold during crowdfunding procedure.

ICO Bonus Structure




Walking further and in the future we plan to customize our platform as well for Augmented Reality (AR) ads. In addition, we plan to create a Tachain Flame device that will allow to get TCHN tokens by watching targeted ads anywhere at any time. We plan to move the ad market to the next level and the TCHN token will be the
cornerstone of this revolutionary ecosystem. Tachain project is heavily based on blockchain and smart contracts. It allows to ensure transparency of system and strict execution of financial obligations and contract terms. Also we are going to build comprehensive IT infrastructure around blockchain to provide best possible service to our customers.
For more information, visit the links below
Ethereum Wallet : 0x154089Cb313479C0d698Fad2D29eFb9a71d67b06
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