The New Era of Real Estate Development
Devolve Developer is the first blockchain-based global real estate platform that will disrupt the real estate industry.
PHASE 1 – 2018+
Access Global Development Projects
Gain higher returns through cross border access to international real estate development opportunities with our continuously increasing development project portfolio
Participate in Our Affiliate Services
Enjoy the benefit of shopping for home related merchandise and other products and services among our community of merchants and service providers
PHASE 2 – 2019+
Property Title Registration
Creating efficiencies and adverting fraud by simplifying land registration and title management processes through distributed ledger technology
Real Estate Index
Countries can adopt a comprehensive databank of real time real estate transactions for predictive modelling, price trends and assess impacts to property value
PHASE 3 – 2020+
Proof of Estate Protocol (PoE)
Applying Smart Contracts technology, this protocol records every fact and major event in a property’s history to produce a background profile
Real Estate Transactions
Utilize our transaction management system to transfer ownership by administering deposits, legal agreements and other real estate related essentials
Devolve Developer Distributed Real Estate Revolution
Distributive technology improves capital mobility with borderless investing in the $217 trillion real estate industry by disintegrating the barriers of conventional real estate investing and realizing extraordinary returns.
Devolve Developer will reshape the real estate industry with the emergence of a new business model leveraging a decentralized technology that creates access, increases efficiencies and reduces costs. Empowering individuals around the world with a trusted and transparent technology, Devolve Developer will discard many of the conventional hindrances and create a fully interconnected global economy that is completely peer-to-peer contributing to improved worldwide capital flow.
Creating a WIN for Real Estate Participants
Creating access to global real estate inventory and unlocking international private funds in pursuit of higher returns through blockchain technology will shift focus towards private capital for investments. With an increase in investors searching for global diversification, demand for the investable real estate environment will expand substantially creating greater opportunities. Devolve Developer’s innovative real estate platform fulfills the needs of the investment community for shorter maturities and greater liquidity with new types of risk-hedged opportunities
Real Estate Investment Strategies
The common real estate investment methods of renting and flipping properties generate modest returns. Devolve Developer capitalizes on the underutilized high return investment strategies in the primary real estate industry – Real Estate Development.
Real estate investors enter the market as a speculator, end user or long term investor who use the most common investment strategies of buy & hold, renting/leasing and flipping property. These strategies are highly saturated due to their ease of entry and respectable profitability margins.
Property development offers all the common benefits of investing in real estate such as stability, leverage, inflation resistant and increased equity, with the addition of producing high yields at an exponential rate.
Real Estate Development Strategy
Unparalleled to conventional investment strategies, real estate development is the superior underemployed investment approach. Predominantly abandon by individual investors for the high barriers of entry, this wholesale strategy produces unprecedented returns in greater than traditional investment strategies. Devolve Developer leverages blockchain technology to remove the conventional barriers associated with development strategies, increasing utilization of this investment vehicle and producing exponential income for participants.
Real Estate Development
Blockchain technology creates the opportunity to participate in the impenetrable primary real estate market to access global opportunities and earn exponential returns.
In the multi-trillion dollar real estate industry, substantial profits are generated with the operation of property development strategies. From land rezoning to building subdivisions, these strategies produce superior investment performance in contrast to renting and flipping property. As an ignored opportunity by most individual investors, profits are secured for institutional investment firms and accredited investors who can wield the challenges of large capital requirements and elevated inherent risks.
Devolve Developer will alleviate the risks and barriers of real estate development and open the gateway to these high yielding opportunities. With the use of blockchain technology, the market will experience increased participation from individuals that will multiply global capital flow and fundamentally expand cross border income. Now individuals from all over the world can access the high returns of this investment environment.
The Next Generation of Global Real Estate
The need for a divergent real estate business model is preeminent. Devolve Developer’s digitized platform will be disruptive and leading edge, collapsing the challenges of conventional norms.
Industry Challenges
Large capital obligation
Only large institutions and accredited investors can afford the characteristically large capital requirement to participate in real estate development industry
Excessive intermediation costs
The high cost of intermediation slows down the transaction process, delays closings and reduces profitability for buyers, sellers and investors
Geographical Segmentation
Geographic divergence producing new models of regionalization limiting investments to local boundaries
Lengthy life cycle
Real estate’s antiquated system produces extended transaction duration which increases risk sensitivities and prolongs the realization of returns
Illiquidity Inefficiencies
The inability to exploit profitable opportunities by timely transferring capital from one real estate asset to another is a hindrance
Thin market place
Finding an interested party who satisfies the criteria to assign/sell your investment, whether procedural or financial is arduous
Devolve Resolution
Capital affordability
Devolve Developer’s digital platform democratizes participation and eliminates the large capital requirement alloting any amount of Devolve tokens to development projects
Higher profitability
Blockchain technology provide digital automation to intermediation and reduces costs, enhances services, and creates a higher return for you
Access to global investment opportunities
Distributive technology grants access to our global inventory of development projects
Flexible life cycle
Smart contracts govern transactions that reduces the processing time and gives user autonomy to earn additional tokens and reallocate positions
Devolve developer’s exchange API allows users to effortlessly reallocate between projects and easily sell tokens on an exchange
Efficient ecosystem
Tokenization standardizes real estate assets to make it fungible and creates a market for ease of transform
Devolve Platform Ecosystem
A digital platform backed by tangible assets with the propensity for high profit margins and the independence to manage risk makes it attractive to all investors.
The Devolve Platform is the first high quality platform backed by hard assets engaging in large real estate development projects suitable for both institutional and individual investors. With the use of smart contracts, Devolve Platform will automate real estate development projects by connecting participants with projects on a distributed platform that would otherwise not be accessible.
The Devolve Platform assesses viable development project opportunities and grants access to everyday investors to participate. Acquired development projects undergo a rigorous evaluation process to determine the eligibility for the program. Participants can search and compare approved projects and allocate tokens to their selected projects to automatically earn rewards.
Development Project Rewards Program
New or partnered real estate development project opportunities are realized and registered with their relevant information through the API
An extensive due diligence is conducted where information is verified and the opportunity is assessed to determine suitability for the program
The project’s up and down side potential is measured against our risk management profile to ascertain level of uncertainty and potential value
Project profile factors are recorded and a weighted average valuation model determines token value, contribution rate and rewards distribution
Smart contracts append approved projects to the Devolve Platform and token holders can assess the new project’s suitability for their portfolio
Token holders can leverage our tools and resources to determine their token allocation to their selected projects and immediately generate rewards
Correcting Real Estate Investment Problems
Blockchain technology and smart contracts create a new paradigm for real estate development by removing conventional barriers and establishing a more effective ecosystem.
With blockchain technology, you can access unused investment capacity in the large scale real estate development projects
Expand global real estate investment opportunities to anyone from anywhere in the world with any amount of capital
Contribute to the high yielding real estate development environment and enjoy exponential returns
Manage your contributions by tracking and monitoring the development project’s progress with smart contracts
Determine allocations, eliminate inherent risks and reduce costs with the flexibility to enter and exit projects at any time
Cryptocurrency market risks and several real estate industry risks are alleviated with the asset backed token and digital platform
Why Devolve Developer?
Devolve Token Sale
Devolve Developer is conducting a token sale for potential contributors to gain access to the high yielding real estate development marketplace. Devolve Developer secured the necessary partnerships from industry players with a current development project portfolio spanning across 3 continents and continuously growing.
DVX is an ERC-20 token
WHITELIST PERIOD: December 15, 2018 – Target is met
PRE-SALE PERIOD: Coming Soon – Target is met
For More Information Click Link Bellow:
Author: Asarab
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