The easiest way to earn crypto currencies
With the azultec Cube you can generate crypto currencies by joining our cloud computing network, by being part of our decentralized cloud storage solution and through mining. The best part: the Cube uses renewable energy and recuperates the generated heat – making the Cube environmental-friendly!
Earn crypto currencies, while you sleep
The azultec Cube is a new state-of-the-art environmental-friendly and highly efficient solution to earn crypto currencies. By using one of our Cubes, you can generate crypto currencies by joining our cloud computing network, by being part of our decentralized cloud storage solution and through mining. For all of our cubes you have the option to use renewable energy and recuperate up to 72% of the generated heat.
Missed Bitcoin? Don’t miss the azultec ICO
Many Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) in the past allowed early investors to profit largely from their investment. Bitcoin investors for example could get up to 1,400% out of their initial investment, Stellar Investors up to 14,400%, NEM investors up to 29,800% and Ripple up to 36,000% – All in 2017
Be prepared for the azultec ICO
Starting 5th March 2019
Register for ICO
How the tokens are split
The total demand for the Azul tokens will be calculated after the ICO. The sold tokens together make up 60% of the total tokens. These will be transferred to the ICO participants. Subsequently, 40% of tokens will be calculated and generated for azultec. In this way, we can guarantee a smooth 60:40 distribution.
Distribution of the 40% company token:
65% will be used as reserves, of which 50% will be locked for 6 months, and the remaining 50% locked for 12 months.
10% will be used for business negotiations.
10% will be given to partners.
15% to the founders. These tokens will be locked for 12 months.

The reasons why investors choose to become a part of a crypto project vary a lot but, in the end, they are all looking for a profitable investment. But how does making profit with tokens even work and which steps should you follow to maximize your chances for financial gain? Read it here!

Cryptocurrencies are on everyone’s lips and are slowly becoming acceptable. This is because more and more consumers are getting involved in mining. However, probably one of the most important points should not be neglected, i.e. the security of the earned currencies. And this is exactly where the so-called wallets come into play. In this post […]

Start digging crypto currencies!
Mining crypto currencies is the past. Start to reap what you deserve. The azultec Cube generates crypto currencies with more than just mining.

To find more relevant details please follow several sources
WEBSITE: https://azultec.de/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AzultecICO
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/azultecico
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/azultecico
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