Kamis, 02 Mei 2019


The current educational system is obsolete and in urgent need of modernization. School and University can teach a lot, but all these assessments and the knowledge gained over the years have nothing to do with real life. Children from childhood are constantly hammered that if you finish school for one five, get a red diploma, then you are sure to take a good high-paying job. But the reality is quite different. All of these assessments and performance indicators have nothing to do with future financial well-being. Any study course develops a lot of positive skills, such as memory, perseverance, sometimes even ingenuity, but do not hope that spending 17 years of study, a lot of money and free time, you will get a decent job as a result.
Today, more and more people are beginning to realize that all these stories of teachers and relatives about the importance of education and its role in life are greatly exaggerated. For example, in our class 3 people graduated from school with a gold medal, as a result, one works as a saleswoman in a grocery store, the second became a dancer, and the third got married and does not work at all. In General, what was 11 years to go to school, then another 6 years to spend on training at the Institute, and eventually get a specialty for which no knowledge is required at all. All these imperfections and injustice of the existing system and prompted the developers of the LOL project to the idea of creating a unique platform. It's time to look for innovative solutions, completely modernizing the modern education system!

The Learn Online Education (LOL) project is able to make a real revolution in the world education system by integrating modern decentralized blockchain technologies into its work, as well as by modernizing the system of knowledge supply.

LOLCOIN is able to offer every person on our planet to get the highest quality education of the world standard. Specialists who have received education on this platform receive diplomas that will be listed around the world, and as the most advanced and highly professional. LOLCOIN differs from traditional education systems in that it removes barriers through decentralized markets of digital learning materials for tests and certificates at the European International University.
LOLCOIN solves all existing problems in traditional education systems:
  • Overstated requirements for employment for a diploma in this specialty. Often this approach provokes young people for the illegal purchase of a diploma.
  • The education system has become a business, the annual cost of which in the most promising institutions often exceeds hundreds of thousands of dollars. As a result, people take out loans and then pay for the rest of their lives.
  • The strict approach for incoming entrants has led to the exclusion of millions of young people from higher education. For example, because of the three in mathematics, a person did not pass the competition and did not enter the philological, the world did not see an outstanding writer. The assessments are very subjective.
  • 4 Conventional education severely limits people, the system is not flexible. Often students have to deal with non-alternative teaching methods, schedule and venue.

LOL has the highest degree of world-class education, in addition, they have been successfully tested for compliance with European International universities. The project has all the necessary certificates for its training materials, which are in the blockchain. With this platform, anyone, regardless of their location. social status, wealth and nationality can receive the best education in the world from the best mentors with extensive teaching experience. The platform already has ready algorithms for testing and is fully supported by many candidates of science.

LOLCOIN has its own application that can be downloaded not only to your iPhone or Android, but also to any other available gadget or computer. The project has a highly qualified team, reliable partners and a popular idea. In General, the project is very interesting, for more detailed information you can follow the links below.
The uniqueness of the text 100 % - https://text.ru/antiplagiat/5cc4eeed52c82

  • ETH addres : 0x154089Cb313479C0d698Fad2D29eFb9a71d67b06

Rabu, 01 Mei 2019

LOLCOIN – The Future Of Education

Education has always been one of the main indicators of an educated person who, after graduating from a higher education institution, could use the acquired knowledge for the entire period, as well as find a decent job in the specialty. People from ancient times instilled the value of education, which was originally passed from mouth to mouth, then formed a small flow, then the school, and after all grew into large Institutions and Universities, where every person who craves knowledge had the opportunity to get them in full.
Of course, now the education system has not changed much, as the principle of knowledge supply remains the same. But here’s the problem he has become much much more.
Of course someone will agree with me, and someone may not, but the fact that our education system is lagging behind modern technology for 50 years-that’s for sure! I don’t know about you, but in my Road University we studied the design of cars of the last century. When as on the street long drive modern cars of the highest class. Tell me, how can I apply my knowledge in practice in the future, if looking under the hood of a brand new car do not understand anything there? It turns out all those many lectures and hours of listening theories are” empty space”?!
Talking on this topic with my friends, we came to the conclusion that really modern higher education lives in the last century and is ineffective. Yes that there to hide, it’s not even promises further employment in this field. As long as we get our “education” the world is changing so rapidly that by the end of their University chosen profession can be already no one needs. And the saddest thing of all is that there are many such examples now.
But fortunately, technology does not stand still and the bright minds of mankind are always in search of quality solutions to current problems. This direction is no exception, so I will be glad to tell you today about the new project.
About the project
The project which will be discussed today is called – Learn Online Education (LOL). This project intends to make a qualitative revolution in the entire system of higher education, through the introduction of new decentralized technologies, as well as changing the overall concept of the supply of theoretical and practical knowledge.

If we talk about LOL in a simpler language, we can safely say that LOL is a unique blockchain platform within which everyone can get a high-quality and modern education. Moreover, he will learn the most advanced and popular direction of the 21st century, studying such areas of development as: machine structure, artificial intelligence and many other technological aspects of modern realities.
Advantages and Features
It is very important to note the fact that LOL has the highest degree of education worthy of world class, as well as corresponds to European International universities. Moreover, this project uses all the necessary certification and abstraction for its educational and digital materials, which are securely stored in a decentralized network of blockchain. Everyone will get a chance to get a high-quality education from leading experts from all over the world, whose experience is more than one decade. At the same time in the online mode to pass various kinds of tests, both to improve their University skills and to improve their degree.
As for the working moments on the part of the platform, they have already prepared detailed algorithms for testing their candidates, including various interpretations of the personality with all the ensuing biometric fingerprints required for full registration in the system. Of course, these are not the only advantages of the LOL system. It is enough to note the fact that access to the resource for candidates will not be limited. This means that anyone will be able to start their high-tech modern education wherever he was and whatever nationality he belonged.

Moreover, in addition to practical knowledge and skills, LOL will provide an opportunity for its candidates to receive their first earnings performing certain projects. Thus, you’ll not only absorb the dry theory, but also to support it in practice getting a real income. Sounds perfect to me.

Complement all this diversity will be developed application, access to which will be provided from any type of device, from a smartphone to a tablet, laptop or computer. As part of the application, students will be able to communicate in real-time group chats, discuss assignments, as well as read alerts about new courses, certification increases and other educational moments.
To ensure the movement of all functions and operations within the system will be its internal token – Learn Online Coin (LOL). With the help of which it will be possible not only to pay for their training, but also to gain access to some individual groups of knowledge. The token itself is developed on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain. To Finance their project, the founders chose the STO model to promote the project, during which most of the coins will be distributed. The initial price for 1 LOL will be $0.07 US. More detailed information about the distribution of tokens can be found in the White paper of the project.
The distribution of tokens and funds is as follows

At the end of my review I want to say that such projects as this, are very popular all over the world. Every year millions of students are thinking about what to do and where to go in order to have not only a decent education in the future, but also a prestigious, popular job. Therefore, I believe that everyone who is worried about their future or the future of their children should at least become more familiar with the concept of LOLCOIN. Moreover, they currently have a sufficient number of existing organizations, which for many years managed to prove themselves qualitatively.

For a better and deeper analysis of LOLCOIN, I have prepared for you all the necessary official resources of the project. Links which will be waiting for you under this article. And that’s all and see you soon!

Official resources of the LOLCOIN project:

 WEBSITE: https://loleiu.io

ETH addres :0x154089Cb313479C0d698Fad2D29eFb9a71d67b06

Lolcoin - the future education system

Do you think that plays a big role in our life? 

Many will respond to education, and, in my opinion, this is one of the components that determines our future. But just to get an education is not enough. For a successful future and the realization of your most intimate ideas, you need to get the best education. However, now there are obstacles on this path. Among them are inaccessibility in some regions, the impossibility of paying for such an education, and the sign of a higher educational institution does not always correspond to the standard of education. 
What then should be done? Let's pay attention to the new project, which has been developing for a long time, but only now, with the development of innovative technologies, and in particular, the blockchain, it brought to a new level. The project is called Lolcoin. It provides for the best education in any part of the world, regardless of financial position. Interested? Then let's get acquainted in more detail.

Lolcoin is a real ecosystem.

Which will soon conquer all countries and continents on our planet. Now everyone will be able to really get a higher education. The whole working principle of the Lolcoin platform is built on the principle of the actually developed unique education system, which was transferred to the blockchain technology. Now, each student can identify himself and choose the course most suitable for him based on the principles of knowledge of the sciences. In addition, all training information will be stored separately. And only the one who uses it, will receive the right of access by means of fingerprint scanning. The selection of students and their intelligence will also be built on an analysis that is carried out by artificial intelligence.

Lolcoin Platform Feature

A global platform based on decentralization for learning; 
Personal identification according to the user's fingerprint data; 
Work with artificial intelligence using personal data; 
Certification of students according to the blockchain technology; 
Own marketplace; 
The Lolcoin Ecosystem is officially recognized in some countries and is internationally accredited.

Lolcoin platform features

The Lolcoin platform can run on both desktop PCs and mobile devices. Therefore, the student can always open the program and continue to study according to a given program, wherever he is. 
The platform has its own digital learning market, where there are also several sources of income. 
Lolcoin platform created by professionals in the field of education and technology blockchain. 
Also on the Lolcoin platform, you will always be up to date with the latest education news, curriculum certification, and you can also get advice from a professional.
Despite the fact that this is a learning platform for which you need to pay with LOL tokens, there is an opportunity to make money here, in several ways. But the main one is investing. For these purposes, serves STO, that is, the receipt of a security by the user. Why securities, not tokens? First, the issue of securities from the Lolcoin project is aimed at long-term prospects. That is, after a while, the owner of such securities may receive a greater profit than he would have had tokens. Secondly, due to the availability of securities, their holder will receive dividends twice a year. Thirdly, the ICO market is now in decline, and therefore not everyone wants to invest their own funds in the token.

In the future, plans to release applications for mobile devices. Already it is being developed, and the user will receive a number of useful services. It will have its own wallet, with which you can pay for services. Only the owner gets access to the wallet, because finger or face fingerprinting technology has been applied. Thanks to a smart search, it will be possible to find the most relevant information on request and receive notifications of vacancies.
The driving force of the ecosystem Lolcoin stant own token - LOL. The digital coin is based on the Ethereum chain and is the only means of payment for tuition. Anyone who has a LOL token can exchange it for a training program.


  • 55%: STO
  • 6%: Advisor
  •  4%: Gifts / Communities
  • 15%: Team
  • 20%: University Reserve Fund


  • 45%: LOL Ecosystem Development
  • 20%: Marketing
  • 20%: Operating Costs
  • 10%: Legal & Admin
  •  5%: Educational Reserve / Fund

ROADMAP STO 2018 - 2020

The Lolcoin project does a good job, because there are still many places in the world where many people can neither read nor write. Global education is the bright future of our planet, after receiving a high-quality education, we will be able to avoid many troubles, including wars and natural disasters. I urge everyone to take this opportunity and make an investment in the project. This will be useful not only for people who need education, but also for you, since you will receive passive income for a long time.

More info: 
Website:  https://loleiu.io/
Telegram:  https://t.me/LOLEIU


Telegram: @Annisa86

Address wallet (eth): 0x154089Cb313479C0d698Fad2D29eFb9a71d67b06

Match Billion — Cryptocurrency Jackpot di Powerball

Seperti kita ketahui bahwa jackpot adalah game yang telah ada selama lebih dari 100 tahun dan masih ada sampai sekarang. Pada awalnya, istilah ini digunakan dalam bentuk poker, di mana koleksi atau pot diakumulasikan sampai seorang pemain dapat membuka penawaran dengan dua jack atau lebih baik. Dalam beberapa dekade istilah "jackpot" dalam poker bermunculan, istilah tersebut berubah menjadi istilah slang untuk "masalah dengan hukum", dan lebih lanjut berubah pada pertengahan abad ke-20 yang terutama dikaitkan dengan "memukul jackpot" dengan mesin slot. Dari sana, itu menjadi lebih figuratif, merujuk pada hadiah besar atau pergantian peristiwa yang baik.

Match Billion datang dengan sebuah pembaruan yang luar biasa. dirancang dengan lebih mudah dan menggunakan teknologi yang lebih baik. Match Billion menghadirkan permainan Powerball lebih menyenangkan dengan cryptocurrency dn teknologi blockchain. penggunaan teknologi blockchain tentunya itu membuat permainan Powerball di Match Billion menjadi lebih transparan. Harus di ingat hanya hodler MDL token yang bisa berpartisipasi dalam permainan, mereka yang tidak mempunyai MDL token tidak bisa mengikuti permainan.

Match Billion adalah sistem online yang digunakan oleh beberapa teman dekat yang terpesona oleh miliaran yang didistribusikan oleh Powerball. Dengan Match Billion Anda dapat memainkan game jackpot dengan lebih transparan dan lebih menyenangkan. Match Billion dibangun oleh tim yang andal, yang melihat peluang di pasar jackpot dunia. Menggunakan teknologi blockchain, Match Billion mulai mengembangkan platformnya dan ini adalah Billion Match sekarang, platform jackpot yang transparan, aman, dan lebih terjangkau.

hanya member yang memiliki MDL token yang bisa bermain di Match Billion maka bagi member yang belum mempunyai MDL token bisa membelinya langsung di website Match Billion. Berdasarkan informasi dari admin grup, untuk sekarang MDL token memang baru bisa didapatkan di website mereka. tetapi untuk di masa depan katanya kita bisa mendapatkan MDL token di pasar cryptocurrency.

Cara bermain?
Anda membutuhkan 2 token MBL per pemutaran.
Pilih lima angka dari 1 hingga 69 untuk bola putih; lalu pilih satu angka dari 1 hingga 26 untuk bola merah.
Pilih nomor Anda di layar atau biarkan situs web secara acak memilih nomor Anda. Anda mendapatkan bukti blockchain tiket Anda.
Jackpot mulai dari 40 juta dan tumbuh dari sana!
Pemain memenangkan hadiah dengan mencocokkan salah satu dari 9 Cara untuk Menang.
Power Play
Tambahkan Power Play dengan game Anda!
Untuk token 1 MBL tambahan per pemutaran, fitur Power Play dapat mengalikan hadiah non-jackpot dengan 2, 3, 4, 5 atau 10 kali!
Angka pengganda dipilih secara acak tepat sebelum setiap gambar di https://www.powerball.com/ . Sebagai situs penggemar, kami tidak menggambar angka kemenangan.
Pengganda 10X hanya berlaku ketika jackpot yang diiklankan adalah 150 juta token MBL atau kurang.
Hadiah Match 5 dengan Power Play selalu 2 token MBL.

Website: https://www.matchbillion.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/matchbillion
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MatchBillion

My BTT:   https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2320820
ETH:  0x154089Cb313479C0d698Fad2D29eFb9a71d67b06


MatchBillion - Cryptocurrency Jackpot on Powerball

Match Billion
Everyone certainly knows this game, because indeed this is a very fun game and not a new game for those of us who are already playing gambling, maybe we all know more about Powerball games. You can see a very large jackpot and everyone has a chance to win it.
Billion Match comes with an extraordinary update. designed more easily and uses better technology. Match Billion presents Powerball games more fun with cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. the use of blockchain technology certainly makes the Match Billion Powerball game more transparent. It must be remembered that only MDL hodlers token can participate in the game, those who do not have MDL tokens cannot play.
How do I get the MDL Token?
Because only members who have MDL tokens can play in Match Billion , members who do not have an MDL token can buy it directly on the Match Billion website . Based on information from the group admin, MDL tokens are now available on their website. but for the future he said we can get MDL tokens on the cryptocurrency market. 

Then what about those who don't have capital? just now for now the development team of Match Billion is holding Airdrop for their new users. like being given capital at the beginning, new users can immediately play in Match Billion without having to make a deposit first. for airdrop rules you can see it on this page . 
When I saw the roadmap from Match Billion , I was a little surprised because they kept giving me big jackpot bonuses for members who wanted to join. The jackpot is given and all participants and players can get various events. what is interesting is the provision of jackpots not only for BTC or ETH, but they also provide jackpots in the form of MDL tokens. 

It is inconceivable if you get a global jackpot from Match Billion ? there's nothing wrong with trying to play, it's very fun. 
How to play
  1. You need 2 MBL tokens per playback or per line.
  2. Choose the line you want (the more lines, the more MBL tokens you have to pay).

3. Next, select the 5 numbers you want, you can choose from numbers 1 to 69.

 4. Select your number on the screen or let the website randomly choose your number. You get your blockchain ticket proof. 

5. You can see your chosen number in review and can also add Power Play to double the number of bets that we can get outside of the jackpot. 

There are a number of events that the Match Billion team will carry out in the near future to the long term that can be seen on the roadmap, if interested, try to follow it. All of them gave gifts to winners and lucky loyal members. there is nothing wrong with you trying, who knows this time you will be our millionaire.
  1. Bitcointalk.org Bounty Campaign
  2. Match Billion AIRDROP
  3. FREE Give Away to Win 2 BTC and 100 ETH


  1. Website : http://www.matchbillion.com/
  2. Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5118755.0
  3. Twitter : https://twitter.com/MatchBillion
  4. Telegram : https://t.me/matchbillion
