Sabtu, 02 Februari 2019


All-round market to share everything

In recent years, we have seen the return of strong habits that involve the exchange of goods and services between private individuals. This revival began around 2008. More and more people are finding, then, in these practices the solution to limiting the use of money, is increasingly difficult to obtain through work. The dynamics created at that time have not run out of breath and today, there are even more followers who find in these practices, regardless of their more “eco-friendly” nature, an alternative means of “communication”. Easy Free hopes to open space for this exchange. market where users can exchange and share services, objects, and why not their home. The principles we will introduce to you below, are very simple and are based on practices as old as the world, barter, and crypto currencies, eSwitch®. eSwitch® will be a crypto currency from a system of exchanging new goods and services where humans will be the center and the catalyst is universal values ​​such as emancipation, goodwill, and security.

Barter history
The origin of barter
Barter had been around since dawn, in fact, because people who were smart enough to understand that he could exchange excess coal with buffalo skin, winter approached, without having to go hunting alone or having to kill the owner to make it his own. To understand the logic of barter, we can recall the experience of Lieutenant Cameron in searching for small boats during his trip to Africa in 1874 and reported by Charles Gide in his book “Principles of Political Economy” in 1830: 

“Said’s man wanted to be paid in ivory and I didn’t have it, I was told that Ibn Selib had ivory and he wanted cloth, but unfortunately I didn’t have more than one of the others, it didn’t help me. But Ibn Guerib, who has some cloth, I don’t have enough electricity cables that I have. So I gave him the amount of copper wire, he paid me with a cloth, which I gave Ibn Selib, he gave the equivalent of ivory to agent Said … and I got the ship! “Even if, to avoid the inconvenience of barter, the main thing is the meeting between two bids where two requests must match in the same place at the same time, money was created in Lidia in the 7th century BC. AD, Napoleon was ordained all the same in civil law announced in 1804: “

Current barter
As we have just seen, barter is not only always there, but continues and continues to be practiced today, both traditionally between individuals, but also between governments, between companies, and so on. It is remarkable to note that for such old commercial practices, trade in goods and services, the name of barter is more economically appropriate, worth 31% of French GDP in 2016 and 32% in 2017 [OECD sources]. Therefore barter not only continues to be used, but to develop primarily by becoming an architecture for a new structure of human economic relations. The report we want is more humanistic, more based on the trade balance and less at market prices. With our platform, it is now also accessible to everyone from home.

Batering and «blockchain»
“The Blockchain is a safe, transparent and working information storage and transmission technology without a central control organ. The quote from Claire Balva, one of the founders of the French Blockchain has advantages in stating, the general principle of the blockchain. The Blockchain is a register that contains information, data, transactions that will be grouped into blocks, then chain block names, blockchain. 

The uniqueness of this register is that it will not be stored on the server, but on the succession of computers and servers that make them much more difficult to attack. In 2008, in the midst of the economic crisis and distrust of the banking system, someone or a group of people hiding behind a pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto decided to create an exchange currency, Bitcoin, which was freed from control bodies and based on a safe system called blockchain .

To do all this, partnerships with well-known and recognized platforms can be considered. Therefore, there is no need to have equity capital for investment. General objects, skills, accommodation advice, etc. Easy to manage thanks to the platform. Of course, any investment is risky, however, in the context of the ShareMeAll project, users significantly limit this risk, because if a loss occurs it will be limited to eSwitch profits and invested through exchanges with other members. Thanks to the ShareMeAll platform, the cryptocurrency world is open to investors who previously did not have access.
Starting: January 15, 2019, 8:00 a.m.
End: May 15, 2019, 11:59 a.m.
Hard cap: 7.5M €
Soft lid: € 2 million
Token: eSwitch ESW
Nilai Tukar: 1 ETH = 194 ESW
Project protocol: ERC20
History pillars
July 2014 Easy Free Establishment.
January 2015
Registration of the eSwitch® brand with INPI.
March 2016 Website creation.
January 2019
March 2019
May 2019
ESwitch® token issue from ICO.
Q3 2019
Launch the website / Graph graphics and ergonomic revision site.
Q4 2019
500,000 users / Launch of mobile / Translation applications and multilingual support / Expansion in Europe.
Q1 2020
1,000,000 users of / Launch of secure identification API with eSwitch® digital identity for sharing / other platform expansion in the North
Q2-Q3 2020
3,000,000 users in Asia, Africa and South America / (ongoing) Translation and multilingual support.
Q4 2020
10,000,000 users of





by ; Asarab
wallet:  0x154089cb313479C0d698Fad2D29eFb9a71d67bo6

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