Greetings to the whole community, I am passionate about the crypto coins and a follower of good projects like Desico. In this new publication I would like to present the DESICO project. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO... but DESICO https://www.desico.io/en blockchain is the coolest, and for more details we're going to the following topics:
If we observe how society has evolved, from tribal societies we have moved to a different social structure in the modern world where people work in a specialized way and can do so in a global environment, from anywhere in the world due to the advent of technology and Internet. DESICO https://www.desico.io/en is a social media platform with blockchain-based financial investors.The DESICO social network will be one of unique and crypto social networks that will find cryptographic enthusiasts on a common platform and allow them to spread the appeal of information, including financial information, without missing any important updates.
Traders, Sellers, Asset Managers and Investors. DESICO will enable all these participants to interact in real time with no problem by publishing updates, blogs, images, analyzes, personal situations, video channels and anything else that could be important
DESICO is the first platform ever in the world to issue, buy, and sell token politics as a whole in accordance with the law. The ecosystem will include a global global capital market of $ 155 billion by introducing tokenmoney through blockchain.
The goal of DESICO is to create a gateway for retail and institutional investors to enter the VCdominated start room. At the same time, DESICO seeks to make global access, fair and inexpensive for a promising capital from anywhere in the world.
DESICO will benefit from ICO (Initial Coin Offerings) to create a larger ecosystem in the global capital market. DESICO https://www.desico.io/en will allow decentralization of pre-seed investments using unique blockchain technology capabilities and provide a legal way of purchasing tokens.
tokenisasi existing assets with income streams, or other hybrid token life. ICO is a growing class that has great potential to grow with the right market infrastructure. Currently, most are hybrids (some securities, some token utility), some utility tokens, and some are obviously securities.
The DESICO platform will facilitate the act of direct link tokens - digital asital in the initial effort, tokenisasi existing assets with income streams, or other hybrid tokens. DESICO will provide a complete infrastructure to access ICO, exchange financial token that governs and provides services under the e-money License.
The DESICO ecosystem function will be supported by DESICO's utility token. Token tokens will include the priority right to access existing tokens on the DESICO platform in addition to other privileges. Tokens will also generate payouts for all services associated with the ecosystem. Therefore, investors and businesses will use DESICO tokens.
DESICO Save in Lithuania, European Union and Euro Zone Countries and will be used in the context of Lithdian Legal law Crowdfunding and under the supervision of Bank of Lithuania (under European Central Bank Control).
DESICO has received from the Ministry of Finance 1 and has been recognized to improve in the promotion of the legalization of ICO.
Reason why blockchain is important for DESICO?
To validate the effect
Blockchain will enable DESICO to implement the security of the securities. This will generate profits for global financial markets, in particular, removals that require payment for their services.
To build a decentralized platform based on smart contract
The use of smart contracts will allow full decentralization of DESICO platform and its services. Thanks to smart contracts, various services and community members of DESICO will be able to offer their services in the DESICO ecosystem, and deal directly with ICO.
DESICO will build an efficient and transparent platform, which stores transaction-level data on blockchain. DESICO also to connect and transfer transactions.
DESlCO will operate on blockchain ethereum to facilitate the problem of lcos. Blockchain technology will enable DESlCO to take a big leap forward in implementing the tokenisasi investment assets. Tokenasi securities will bring benefits to global financial markets, in particular, the removal of moral and central gatekeeper. As with DESPERCO decentralization and disintermediation, it will not be the necessary action for the DESICO platform.
The use of blockchain-based smart contracts will allow decentralization and automation of DESlCO platforms and services. Thanks to smart contracts, various services and members of the DESlCO community will be able to offer their services to the DESLCO ecosystem and communicate directly with businesses launching their LCO. Creating a DESl utility token will provide the ecosystem with additional and will increase the value with more businesses joining DESlCO. In addition, the implementation it creates is a system known as decentralized. This system will benefit each service provider and community member in the ecosystem. Inaccurate track record based on transaction data. Thanks to the smart contract.
DESlCO will build an efficient and transparent platform which stores transaction-level data on blockchain. DESlCO ... Sidechain will enable DESlCO to scale its operations and network congestion requirements, as well as the cost of using blockchain technology. Simultaneously, sidechain will also maintain the balance of the DESLCO ethernet blockchain core. Finally, there will be some transactions, providing privacy and additional privacy to the DESlCO community, as well as the independence of the DESlCO ecosystem in the event of malfunctioning or stagnating of the DESlCO core blockchain platform.
As mentioned in the process described above, DESICO will involve external experts who will provide various services within the DESICO ecosystem. While most services will initially be provided by DESICO, the business plan is for DESICO to become a market, with an increasing number of quality external service providers to be auctioned to ensure platform scalability, accessibility, and integrity.

In the token distribution, DESICO will sell 51% of the total token supply during all stages of the crowdsale event. Unsold DESI tokens will be burned. Tokens allocated to the team will have a lock up period of 12 months.

2015 Q3
DESICO core team establishes p2p lending platform. Key features: real time bidding, automated investments, secondary market, user friendly interface.
2017 Q1
DESICO core team launches crowdfunding platform for businesses.
2017 Q3
DESICO core team receives E-money license.
2018 Q1
DESICO core team - becomes a member of the ICO regulatory development team, setup by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania.
2018 Q2
Formation of developers team. Promoting the platform among blockchain community.
2018 Q2/Q3
DESICO Tokensale.
2019 Q2
Launch of Security ICO platform - Beta version.
2019 Q3
Launch of payment system for Crypto/fiat.
2019 Q4
Launch of built-in exchange.
Opening of office in Amsterdam and Berlin.
2020 Q4
Launch of Security ICO platform - full version.

TELEGRAM ;https://t.me/desicochat
WHITE PAPER ;https://www.desico.io/docs/Whitepaper_240518_v2.pdf
TWITTER ;https://twitter.com/desico_io
FACEBOOK ;https://www.facebook.com/desico.io/
YOUTUBE ;https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVi7k-JSG2sqqQnOmIMMvaw
MEDIUM ;https://medium.com/@desico.io
ANN THREAD;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4398505.0
Authorship: Asarab
BTT profile link- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2320820
eth address: 0x154089Cb313479C0d698Fad2D29eFb9a71d67b06
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