Selasa, 19 Februari 2019

Persona Zero Knowledge Identity Blockchain

What is Persona?
No doubt, millions of people share their personal data by using cloud service provider or with their smartphone.  Each person is the facto owner of their data but they need to agree with certain terms and conditions to access the respective services of any provider or device. The other party will take the responsibilities to keep your data protected in a safe way. But, still, it has been found that numbers of companies are failed to handle the customer data in an efficient way and leads to a problem of hacking.

Persona wants to resolve this problem by offering the solution of identity management associated with advanced data protection regulations.  With this solution, a person will get complete control over their personal data with secure access to their private details.

All about Persona ICO

Persona has come up with the idea of developing a decentralized application that eliminates the chances of any single failure by keeping all the records encrypted. It is a blockchain supported identity management solution that not only allows individuals to share their data with complete control but also helps the corporate clients to keep their data up-to-date. Persona is using ARK block technologies and other cutting-edge technologies that offer complete safety and reliable identity solution.
In other words, Persona is a zero-knowledge identity blockchain that allows people to store their data securely with the authority of sharing it with other authorized companies with full control. Persona is utilizing blockchain technology due to its prime benefits includes:-
  • Eliminate the need for middleman
  • Immutability
  • Decentralization

Prime Goals on Which Persona Is Working Listed Below

  1. Power up the identity management services for the person on basis of various features provided by blockchain technology.
  2. For sharing data, individuals have to provide their details on various networks like Google, Facebook, etc. Persona will help in protecting the personal details of the person.
  3. It offer decentralized identity management system that prevent the chances of any fake news
  4. Streamline the onboarding process


  1. Person offers hassle-free and simple identity management system by using blockchain technology features.
  2. Cross-verification is important for digital identity verification. With the help of Persona notaries, you can get your identity checked up to 90% and rest will be done on the bases of KYC process by corporate partner.
  3. Persona will allow creating your own halo based on your data. With this you can revoke or give access to your personal data

Use of Persona in Different Industries

Subscription Based Services and Payment Processors

At the time of enrolling for subscription-based services or buying items online, users need to share their proof of identity details.  With the help of Persona, customers can easily authenticate themselves by sharing their verified data.

Public Institutions

They can use it for authentications of citizens who are engaged in different process like buying property, tax paying, etc.

Persona  in Mass Media

The Persona is worked as a tool that helps in fighting with fake news. It will be proven beneficial for social networks and content/publishers companies to verify the sources and content creators identity.

What Is Persona Token?

Persona token is represented with the symbol of PRS. It is a utility token utilized for issuing verifications in the platform. It is important to use these tokens for each verification process.  These tokens will circulate within the environment and copied by the DPoS system with 51 delegates.  During the verification process, the initiator will pay PRS token for the verification. The price of verification will vary according to verification complexities.

Persona Token Sale Details

The token Sale will be conducted in following phases:-
SaleStart DateEnd Date
Public Sale I01.02.201808.02.2018
Public Sale II09.2.201816.02.2018
Public Sale III17.02.201824.02.2018
Token distribution30.03.2018
Price of PRS during TGE$0.2

Persona  Team

  • Ștefan Neagu (Co-Founder)
  • Ioana Frîncu (Co-Founder)
  • Dan Cearnău (Co-Founder)


It is an identity management solution powered by blockchain and allows the individual to maintain their personal data and share it securely with authorized third parties. You can support this project by participating in its token sale. There are many companies launch their ICOs like CREDITSDogezer, OnePayODEM  for the development and growth of their project.

To find relevant details about the current Pesona project please follow the following links:

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