Minggu, 06 Januari 2019

ShareMeAll ICO (Initial Coin Offering)

What is ShareMeAll Token / Coin?

eSwitch will be the cryptocurrency of a new system of exchange and sharing of goods and services in which humans and these universal values will be the center. ShareMeAll Marketplace and eSwitch Tokens are an alternative community project for the exchange and sharing not only of skills, but also of objects, all or part of their home, their car, ect. It will allow everyone to share and use all that can imagine, today possible to be exchanged or shared. In return, users of ShareMeAll will receive eSwitch that will allow them to take advantage of services, objects, accommodations, etc. offered by other members around the world.
The Initial Coin Offering (“ICO”) introduced by the East Free company is launching a non-regulated fundraising operation. It presents with many risks for purchasers, especially losing all the exchanged sums for tokens issued by East Free. Only the people who are aware of these risks are likely to participate in the ICO. In addition, consumers (within the meaning of EU Directive 2011/83 / EU), "US people" (within the meaning of "Regulation S" of the US law Securities Act 1933), citizens of Canada and Singapore are excluded from the ICO.

1. Introduction
 In recent years, we have seen a powerful comeback of habits involving exchanging goods and services between private individuals. This resurrection began around 2008. More and more people found, then, in these practices a solution to limit the use of money, more and more difficult to earn through work. The created dynamics at the time have not been out of breath and today, there are even more followers who find in these practices, apart from their more "eco-compatible" nature, means of alternative "communication". Easy Free wishes to open a space for these exchanges.

 A sharemeall.com marketplace where users will be able to exchange and share services, objects and why not their home. The principle that we will introduce you below, is very simple and based on a practice as old as the world, the barter, and a cryptocurrency, the eSwitch®. eSwitch® will be the cryptocurrency of a new exchange of goods and services system in which the human being will be the center and the catalyst will be the universal values such as emancipation, goodwill and safety.

2. History of bartering
a. The origins of bartering
Bartering has existed since the dawn of time, in fact, since a sufficiently intelligent being understood that he could exchange his flint excess for a buffalo hide, winter approaching, without having to go hunting it himself or having to kill his owner to make it his own. To understand the logic of bartering, we can recall the experience of Lieutenant Cameron in search of a small boat during his trip to Africa in 1874 and reported by Charles Gide in his book "Principles of Political Economy" in 1830 : 
"The Said's man wanted to be paid in ivory and I did not have any, I was told that Ibn Selib had ivory and that he wanted some fabric, but unfortunately I did not have more of one than the other, it did not help me much. But Ibn Guerib, who had some fabric, was lacking the electric wire I had plenty of. So I gave him the amount of the sum of copper wire; he paid me in cloth, which I passed to Ibn Selib; he gave the equivalent of ivory to Said's agent ... and I got the boat! " Even if, in order to avoid the inconveniences of bartering, the main one of which is the meeting between two offers to which two requests must correspond at the same place at the same time, money was coined in Lydia in the 7th century BC. AD, Napoleon consecrated all the same in its civil code promulgated in 1804: "The exchange is a contract by which the parties give each other one thing for another".
b. Bartering nowadays
 As we just saw, bartering has not only always existed, but it has continued and continues to be practiced today, whether traditionally between individuals, but also between governments, between companies, and so forth. It is remarkable to note that for such an old commercial practice, trade in goods and services, the more economically correct name of bartering, was worth 31% of France's GDP in 2016 and 32% in 2017 [OECD source]. Bartering therefore continues not only to be used, but to develop especially by being the architecture to new structures of human economic relations. Reports that we want more humanistic, based much more on the trade balance and less on market prices. With our platform sharemeall.com, it is also now accessible to everyone from home.

3. Batering and the « blockchain »
"The blockchain is an information storage and transmission technology that is secure, transparent and works without a central control organ. This quote from Claire Balva, the cofounder of Blockchain France has the merit of stating, the general principle of the blockchain. A blockchain is a register that contains information, data, transactions that will be grouped into blocks, hence the chain of block name, blockchain. 
The peculiarity of this register is that it will not be stored on a server, but on a succession of computers and servers (the knots) which makes them much more difficult to attack. It was in 2008, in the midst of an economic crisis and distrust of the banking system, that someone or a group of people hiding behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto decided to create an exchange currency, the Bitcoin, emancipated from control bodies and based on a secure system called the blockchain.
July 2014Easy Free Founding.
January 2015
Registration of the eSwitch® brand with the INPI.
March 2016
Sharemeall.com Website creation.
January 2019
March 2019
May 2019
Issue of eSwitch® tokens from the ICO.
Q3 2019
Sharemeall.com Website launching / Graphic and ergonomic chart revision of the site.
Q4 2019
500,000 sharemeall.com users / Mobile application launch / Translation and multilingual support / Expansion in Europe.
Q1 2020
1,000,000 sharemeall.com users / Launch of a secure identification API with eSwitch® digital identity for other sharing / platforms expansion in North
Q2-Q3 2020
3.000.000 sharemeall.com users / Expansion in Asia, Africa and South America /(ongoing) Translation and multilingual support.
Q4 2020
10,000,000 sharemeall.com users.
ShareMeAll Marketplace and eSwitch Tokens are an alternative community project for the exchange and sharing not only of skills, but also of objects, all or part of their home, their car, ect. It will allow everyone to share and use all that can imagine, today possible to be exchanged or shared.
For more information:

WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x154089cb313479C0d698Fad2D29eFb9a71d67bo6

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